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Do blue light glasses help with headaches?

Jan 04,2024

After looking your smartphone screen, you may get the pain from headaches. Or you may find that light is bothersome for you and it also causes headaches.

If you have such experiences, it's time to pay attention to it. This type of headache may be caused by blue light exposure.


Can blue light causes headaches and why?

Blue light exposure has been associated with triggering headaches in a part of people for some reasons.

Blue light emitted by digital screens has a shorter wavelength and higher energy compared to other colors of the visible light. This intense and concentrated blue light can strain the eyes, leading to symptoms such as eye fatigue, dryness, and discomfort, which can sometimes trigger or exacerbate headaches.

Exposure to blue light from electronic devices just before bedtime can interfere with your sleep pattern, leading to disrupted sleep patterns or insomnia. Sleep disturbances and insufficient rest can contribute to headaches in some individuals.

Further, some people are more sensitive to light. They may experience a headaches or migraines linked to blue light exposure.

Can blue light glasses help with headaches?

Headaches have multiple causes. Blue light exposure can be one of a triggers, while other factors like stress or underlying health conditions may also contribute to headaches. So blue light glasses may help those with the type of headache that is triggered or exacerbated by prolonged screen time or blue light exposure.

Extended screen time can cause eye strain and then contribute to headaches. By filtering out a portion of the blue light emitted by electronic devices, blue light glasses can give you a more comfortable visual experience, reducing the occurrence of headaches related to eye strain.

Also, over exposure to blue light, especially before bed, may break our sleep patterns. Disrupted sleep patterns and insufficient sleep sometimes can contribute to headaches. Wearing blue light glasses in the evening may help mitigate the impact, improving sleep quality and reducing the likelihood of headaches caused by sleep disturbances.

How does light sensitivity affect headaches?

Light sensitivity, also known as photophobia, is a common symptom for many individuals during migraines. Exposure to bright or intense light can trigger or worsen migraine headaches.

It can also contribute to eye strain, which then may lead to headaches. When people with light sensitivity are exposed to harsh lighting conditions, both natural lighting or artificial one, their eyes may strain to adjust, causing eye fatigue and discomfort. This eye strain can trigger headaches or make existing headaches worse.

For those who are sensitive to light, they may have difficulty falling asleep after being over exposed to blue light at night. Sleep disturbances is also one of a contributing factors to headaches.

light sensitivity

Strategies for reducing blue light headaches

  • Use blue light filters: Apply blue light filters or enable the "blue light filter" settings on your electronic devices. This reduce the blue light emitted by the screen, minimizing the risk of headaches.
  • Wear blue light glasses: Wearing high-quality blue light glasses when using electronic devices for extended periods or in environments where you are exposed to artificial lighting.
  • Create a well-lit environment: Ensure your workspace or the room where you use electronic devices is properly lit. Avoid big contrast between the brightness of your screen and the surroundings.
  • Practice good sleep routine: Establish a consistent sleep routine and create a sleep-friendly environment. Make sure the environment can promote quality sleep.
  • Manage overall screen time: Reduce unnecessary screen time and take regular breaks, like following 20-20-20 rule. Engage in other activities to give your eyes a break.